Chewing tobacco is a dangerous habit with many possibly negative effects on your health. Quitting can be difficult, but give yourself the best chance by having goals, plans, and support to keep you from relapsing.
Have you ever wondered if you can really ever beat addiction fully? If you've ever been addicted to a substance, it is so easy to become addicted to something else.
Cut out a rectangular piece of foil about 4-5 inches long.Spread it out on a flat solid surface (shiny side up) and use your thumb or the bottom side of a lighter to to take out all the wrinkles, it should be smooth.
Many girls start to smoke because they think that A. It makes them look cool and B. Smoking will help them lose weight. Without getting into all the gnarly lung cancer, yellow teeth, decaying body stuff we're just going to say that smoking does, indeed sometimes help women keep their weight down.
In this video, we learn how to stop binge eating & get healthy. Food often acts like a buffer that helps people overcome their emotions. If you are not eating enough during the day, you will be more likely to binge eat at night when your body is most craving nutrients. Late night and dinner time is when the cravings and the binge patterns most occur. When you eat more during the day you will not want to binge at night because your body doesn't crave anything. Don't skip breakfast and eat a good...
Smoking is proven to be unhealthy in a myriad of ways, but nicotine is a difficult addiction to overcome. Use these self-improvement tips (like offering incentives) to not only help your partner overcome the habit, but you might even improve your relationship!
In this tutorial, we learn how to overcome nicotine addiction. If you set a goal for yourself, such as singing, you will notice that nicotine effects how you sing and can cause you not to be able to accomplish goals. When you stop smoking, you are going to realize that you have a deep addiction and you will have a hard time getting off of it. Next, you will need to figure out the best way for you to get off of the cigarettes. Also, make sure you have a support group around you that will help...
In this tutorial, we learn who to let go of your coffee addiction with Natasha. Coffee may make you feel really good and like you can't get through the day without it. There is hope to get off of coffee and let go of the addiction you have. Think about how you want good things running through your body and you want natural energy, not energy you get from artificial products. Caffeine isn't good for your body and can damage you internally. Within a week of quitting coffee, you will start to feel...
In this tutorial, Dr. Coral Arvon tells us how to support a relative through substance abuse. If you have a loved one who is suffering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you need to know that if they are using they are probably lying to you. If you are giving them money, they will most likely be using that for drugs or money. They will do anything to get what they want, including lie and manipulate. You need to try your best to get your loved one into a 12-step program or into a detox...
If someone you love has fallen into a dark pit of addiction, you may need to hold an intervention.Oftentimes, an intervention is the best way to save someone's life. Addicts very rarely will admit that they have a problem and seek help on their own; they almost always need help.In this tutorial, learn how to recognize addiction and what to do if this happens to someone you care about. Get expert advice from professional interventionist (and specialist for A&E's "Intervention"), Jeff...
It's super easy and super fun, anyone can do it. Ingredients: 1 cup carob, one cup cacao, 1 cup cashews, 1/4 cup hemp seeds, 1/2 cup coconut oil that is cold-pressed, 1 tablespoon spirulina, 1/3 cup of honey to start (you can add more in later for taste), pinch of sea salt (optional). Roll the finished balls in coconut. Add cashews into food processor until ground, crumbly powder. Add coconut oil and honey. After mixing, add in the rest of the ingredients. You can also add in cinnamon, cayenne...
Learn how to stop the abuse of alcohol. Alcohol can take you over physically and mentally, and it is one of the leading causes of death. Here are some steps you can take to begin quitting alcohol: Try to go cold turkey. If you can't go cold turkey, enlist the help of your friends or family to help you. Go to AA meetings or find a support group. Ask family and friends not to drink around you. Set some life goals. Try to be around different people and try new things to do. Seek professional help...
Tired of not being able to quit smoking? Have you tried everything but nothing works? Watch this life changing short video and learn the trick of quitting smoking by simply using a pen cap. Watch this video and listen to MAtt Jarbo's story on how he fought off smoking for ever. All you need is a BIG pen cap and you will be able to fight off the cravings of smoking. No other thing needed just follow his tricks and you will soon not smoke anymore.
In this video the author talks about the secrets of quitting smoking forever. there are basically four tips to achieve this result. The first is you need to keep your hands busy, so that you can avoid the desire to hold a cigarette. Similarly you also need to keep your mouth busy, by chewing gum or anything to draw your attention away from cigarettes. It also helps to keep a pack of cigarettes in your pocket all the time to continuously remind yourself that you have to stop smoking and there by...
Put down that cigarette and save yourself your money (and even your life) with The Swish Pattern method! This can even be adapted to learn how to quit any of those bad habits like biting your nails or even be used to shed a few pounds. You first visualize yourself and what you do when before you indulge in your bad habit (called the queue image). Then you think about yourself free of that habit and how you wish you could be. Now when you get the urge to smoke/eat/etc... Make the ideal image...
Roy Masters demonstrates the hypnotic process behind effortlessly quitting smoking. He explains that if one can meditate and come to a conscious level of smoking, one can realize the harmful effects of smoking. One technique he employs is having a person take a puff on a cigarette but keep the smoke in their mouth. Becoming conscious of the fact that the smoke is poisonous makes it much harder to breathe in the smoke. By practicing this technique, one can effectively quit smoking.
This video shows you how to quit smoking by keeping your mouth busy. By chewing on something you can avoid smoking. Edarem uses sunflower seeds to keep his mouth chewing. He placed them in his pocket in place of his cigarettes. Anytime he needed a cigarette he would chew sunflower seeds. After 2 weeks he stopped smoking by doing this. You can also take 3 deep breaths anytime you feel the need for a cigarette. You should consider the price of cigarettes when quitting.
Allan Carr shows you how to quit smoking using simple and easy advice. He quit smoking after 30 years using his technique. He says smokers believe they need willpower to quit. Others concentrate on reasons why they need to quit but they also look at why they do smoke such as relieving stress. If you turn that around and believe it is not doing these things it can help. Smokers believe they smoke because they want to and they think they will have terrible withdrawals. Gums and patches just...
Repetition, repetition, repetition. Brainwashing, is it real? Watch these absolutely stunning segments of hidden camera containing both Bill Clinton, and Barbara Bush. Probably one of the most debatable segments is the one featuring Clinton talking to Larry King behind the scenes. If you turn your volume up it is hard to disregard, that they both in fact knew, Clinton would be elected, and the corruption in media is also clearly demonstrated. There is a segment with Barbara, staring eerily...
Worried about your or someone you love's relationship with alcohol? Not all alcoholics fit the stereotype of the down-and-out drunk. Learn to recognize the warning signs in yourself or a loved one.
Thinking it's time to give up the juice? If your need to drink has become a problem, quit. This lifestyle change requires planning and ferocious self-discipline, but everyone has it in them.
With information, diligence, and determination, hair pulling is a habit that can be broken.You Will Need* A journal* Determination* Ankle weights* A mental health professional* Internet access* Vitamins (optional)* Herbal supplements (optional)* Optimism (optional)
If you have habits that are repetitive, time-consuming, and don't seem to make sense, and they interfere with daily functioning, you may have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Someone you love is consuming much too much and you want to stage an intervention. While interventions can work, a person who abuses alcohol has to be willing to stop drinking. Here, everything you need to know to help encourage a friend to quit drinking.
"How does one conquer an eating disorder? Deepak explains that people with eating disorders usually have a poor self-image. They see themselves as unlovable and unattractive. To combat this illusion, he suggests practicing the "mirror technique" where one can look at oneself in the mirror and say "I am beautiful, I love myself, and thank you God for making me exactlyhow I am." Watch this video tutorial and learn how to stop an eating disorder.
How can you quit smoking? Deepak Chopra details step-by-step instructions for curbing smoking habits in the long-term, which include feeling the adverse sensations of smoking and listening to your body as it rejects those sensations. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to quit smoking.
Are you struggling to give up smoking? We all know how bad it is for us but quitting can be one of the hardest things to do. With the help of Andy Austin , you'll learn how to use NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to change the way you think about cigarettes, then help you beat the addiction for good.