Chewing tobacco is a dangerous habit with many possibly negative effects on your health. Quitting can be difficult, but give yourself the best chance by having goals, plans, and support to keep you from relapsing.
There's no better time than now to quit chewing tobacco, so what are you waiting for?
You Will Need
- Support
- Quit date
- Reward
- Gum or toothpicks
- New routine
- Doctor
- Internet access (optional)
- Nicotine replacement therapy (optional)
Chewing tobacco is a potent carcinogen. Quit now to avoid chances of serious medical problems.
Decide to Quit
Make the decision to get serious about quitting.
There are many online resources for quitting chewing tobacco. Do some internet research to determine what strategy will work best for you.
Enlist Support
Get a friend to help you with accountability.
Pick a Date
Set a quit date to stop chewing tobacco. Whether you quit cold turkey or do it gradually, select a final day to chew.
Reward Yourself
Do something nice for yourself, like buying yourself a special gift. You can afford it now that you're not spending all that money on chew.
If you are physically addicted to nicotine, use nicotine gum or other substitutes to help
Chew Something Else
Get into a different chewing habit. Chew gum or toothpicks.
Mix Things Up
Mix up your routine to reduce the risk of relapse. Try new things, and for the first few weeks, don't put yourself in situations where you will be tempted to chew.
See a Doctor
Ask your doctor to prescribe something to help with cravings.
Don't Quit Quitting
Don't beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. It may take more than one attempt to get off the chew for good.
Did you know? An estimated 7.8 million Americans use smokeless tobacco regularly.
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